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Correção das páginas 68 e 69. Apresentação do conteúdo novo. Comparatives: os de superioridade, Estrutura: noun + to be + adjectivep + than + noun

Ex: Pasta is better than rice (afirmativa) Ex: Past isn’t better than rice (negativa) Ex: Is pasta better than rice? (pergunta)

E os de equalidade, Estrutura: noun + to be + as + adjective + as + noun

Ex: Isabela is as beautiful as Mikaela (afirmativa) Ex: Isabela isn’t as beautiful as Mikaela (negativa) Ex: Is Isabela as beautiful as Mikaela? (pergunta)

Link vídeo aulas. Comparatives of superiority: https://youtu.be/7szbEb6NIwg?si=lNoqLM-ZqiVNQz49 Comparatives of equality: https://youtu.be/h_hDK7Uuzh8?si=1XiV28oOM7Iu-1_e